Track & Civil: Forms

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This page contains Forms which are associated with documents available under Procedures and Work Instructions.

The State in which the document is applicable is shown in the Applicability table.

Note, documents marked with NSW applicability also apply to QLD by default.

General back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETG0001F-01 Airstrip Detailed Inspection Form 23 Mar 16 1.1 CoP Appendix ETG-00-01 S W      

Rail back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETW0106F-01 Weld Return Form 06 Aug 18 1.0 Form   S W V N Q
RAP 5391 Form Weekly Return - Aluminothermic Welding/Adjustment Form
Note - ETW0106F-01 Weld Return Form is to be progressively implemented until 30 June 2019. While RAP 5391 is being used during the implementation period, only information required in ETW0106F-01 is mandatory
09 Apr 13 1.2 Manual RAP 5391       N Q
ETE0101F-01 Rail Break Report 01 Oct 20 1.3 CoP Section Section 1 S W V N Q
ETE0101F-02 Rail Break Report - HV 05 Dec 22 1.1 CoP Section Section 1       N  
ETA0105F-01 Record and Report of Ultrasonic Testing 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETA-01-05 S W V N Q
ETA0105F-02 Rail Flaw Report 17 May 24 1.1 Form ETA-01-05 S W V N Q
ETA0105F-03 Rail Surface Condition Report 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETA-01-05 S W V N Q
ETS0100F-01 Examination of Insulated Joints (formerly Section 1.4.10F-01)(PDF version)) 19 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETS-01-00 S W V N Q
ETS0100F-01 Examination of Insulated Joints (formerly Section 1.4.10F-01)(excel version)) 19 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETS-01-00 S W V N Q
TEP 12 Form 1 Inspection of Rail Wear 01 Sep 05 1.3 NSW Std TEP 12       N Q
TEP 12 Form 2 Full Examination of Rails in Tunnels 01 Sep 05 1.3 NSW Std TEP 12       N Q
ETG0103F-01 Horizontal Linearity 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETG-01-03 S W V N Q
ETG0103F-02 Vertical Linearity 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETG-01-03 S W V N Q
ETG0103F-03 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Calibration Record 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETG-01-03 S W V N Q
ETG0103F-04 Calibration Block Register 28 Mar 24 1.0 Form ETG-01-03 S W V N Q
RC 2410 Form Rails that have not been plated form 31 Mar 06 A.0 Manual RC 2410       N Q
RAP 5393 Form Weld Alignment Failure Form 16 Jan 09 1.1 Manual RAP 5393       N Q
RTS 3733 Form Wire Feed Welding Return 16 Jan 09 B.0 Manual RTS 3733       N Q

Points and Crossings back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETE0301F-01 Turnout Detailed Inspection 03 Aug 22 1.9 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-01a Turnout Inspection - Housed Points 13 Nov 17 1.3 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-02 Detailed Diamond Inspection 16 Jun 21 1.5 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-03 Detailed Swingnose Crossing Inspection 03 Aug 22 1.5 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-04 Manual Recording of Gauge, Play & Superelevation in Points & Crossings 28 May 19 1.4 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-05 Dual Gauge Turnout Inspection - Detailed 23 Oct 14 1.0 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q
ETE0301F-06 Catchpoint Detailed Inspection 16 Jun 21 1.0 Common Standard ETE-03-01 S W V N Q

Ballast back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
Section4.3.2F-01 Ballast General Inspection 21 Dec 11 1.0 CoP Section Section 4  S  V N Q

Track Lateral Stability back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETM0609F-01 WTSA Data Collection - CWR and LWR 11 Apr 17 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-09 S W V N Q
ETM0609F-02 WTSA Track Stability Analysis - Data Collection - JWR 11 Apr 17 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-09 S W V N Q
ETM0609F-03 Calculation of Track Stability - Manual Analysis 11 Apr 17 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-09 S W V N Q
ETM0608F-01 Misalignment/Buckle Report Form 13 Aug 20 1.1 Procedure ETM-06-08 S W V N Q
ETM0608F-03 Stress Free Temperature Test and Record Sheet 11 Apr 17 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-08 S W V N Q
ETM0608F-04 Track Stability Management Plan 13 Aug 20 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-08 S W V N Q
ETM0608F-02 Speed Restriction During Hot Weather Notification 11 Apr 17 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-08 S W V N Q
ETM0610F-01 Stressing Record Form PDF / excel
(previously known as ETW0105F-01 v2.2)
24 Feb 21 1.0 Procedure ETM-06-10 S W V N Q

Clearances back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETM0701F-01 Transit Space Operational Infringement Approval 30 Dec 13 1.0 NSW Std ETM-07-01       N Q
ETM0701F-02 Transit Space Operational Infringement Approval Register 30 Dec 13 1.0 NSW Std ETM-07-01       N Q
ETE0701F-01 Examination of Clearances 21 Dec 11 1.0 NSW Std ETE-07-01       N Q
ETE0701F-01 Examination of Clearances (excel version) 21 Dec 11 1.0 NSW Std ETE-07-01       N Q
ETE0701F-02 Inspection of Track Centres and Rail Level 21 Dec 11 1.0 NSW Std ETE-07-01       N Q

Earthworks back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
RTS 3430 Form Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test Form 31 Mar 06 A.0 Manual RTS 3430       N Q

Structures back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETP0902F-01 Truss Span Bearing Examination - Inventory Form 20 Mar 23 1.0 Form ETP-09-02 S W V N Q
ETE0905F-01 Load Rating Form 23 Feb 22 1.1 Procedure ETE-09-05 S W V N Q

Flooding back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
TEP 05 Form 1 Drainage Inspection 06 Feb 06 2.1 NSW Std TEP 05       N Q
TEP 05 Form 1 Drainage Inspection (excel version) 26 Feb 08 2.1 NSW Std TEP 05       N Q
RTS 3433 Form Form 1 - Preliminary Investigation 06 Jun 13 A.1 Manual RTS 3433       N Q
RTS 3433 Form Form 2 - Calculation of Capacity Required 06 Jun 13 A.1 Manual RTS 3433       N Q

Railway Operating Signsback to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
Section11.2.2F-01 Inspection of Trackside Signage & Speed Boards 21 Dec 11 1.0 CoP Section Section 11  S  V N Q

Level Crossings back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETS1200F-01 General Inspection of Level Crossings (formerly Section16F-01) 05 Feb 23 1.0 Form ETS-12-00 S W V N Q
ETS1201F-01 General Inspection of Pedestrian Level Crossings 05 Feb 23 1.0 Form ETS-12-01 S W V N Q

Fire Prevention and Control back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
ETM1301F-01 Total Fire Bans – Hot Works Checklist 11 Dec 20 1.1 Procedure ETM-13-01 S W V N Q

Right of Way back to top

Number Title Last Updated Version
Document Type
Relevant Procedure or Work Instruction Applicability
(under current document structure)
SA (S) WA (W) VIC (V) NSW (N) QLD (Q)
RAP 6831 Form Permit to Enter Railway Land 31 Mar 06 A.0 Manual RAP 6831       N Q
Section 17.3.2F-01 Inspection of Redundant Infrastructure 16 Jul 13 1.0 CoP Section Section 17 S W V N Q
Controlled documents are as published on this site and are uncontrolled when printed